Bookish Interview with E G Wilson ~ Voiceless

Hi, What’s up everyone? Having great plans for your weekend? Well, I just got an email from E G Wilson. Finally I got my answers. She is so sweet, even though she had a lot of pre release work for her upcoming book Voiceless(for which I have left a review here) she made time for me. I am so touched.
A quick review on the book: The book is amazing and after I heard her side of the story, I am just so lucky to have picked up that one.

Without further ado, I will get into the Interview

#Bookish Interview with E G Wilson!

I am very glad that I could get a chance to interview you, Ms Wilson. Here are few questions which Ms Wilson has answered. I sent her a huge list of questions but still she answered as many as she could.
1. Where did you get the idea for Voiceless? (I think this book goes beyond any superficial reasons.)
Book ideas come from anywhere and everywhere. For Voiceless, the germ of the idea came to me a few years back when I was going through a rough time at work. It was probably the worst headspace I’ve ever been in (I’ve since quit that job). But talking things through with a counsellor helped. She said something about me and my identity, and a fear associated with that identity, and it sparked off an idea for a book. 

Of course, from that point I still had to develop the idea and the characters and the plot and everything. It takes time. And thought. 

But that’s where it all started.
2. Tell us something about Voiceless. Who/What was your motivation to finish this book?

Oh, I like a challenge. Once I’ve started writing a book, I don’t stop until I’ve finished it. 

3. What did you edit out of this book?

Telling you that would take a ridiculous amount of time and, what’s more, would be boring for you to read. You don’t want to know how many adverbs my editor caught. You really don’t.

4. How many hours a day do you write?

0 – 14.
Honestly, it depends on a whole range of factors — if I’m scheduled to work at my day job/s, if I’m up to an exciting bit, if I’m knee-deep in a first draft or tinkering with plot development or having a break to recharge… you know. Between projects, I have days where I don’t write at all. During a project, I can write for hours. 
I don’t judge progress by how many hours that day I’ve written. I (and I think most writers) judge by number of words written. Sometimes a good day is squeezing in 500 words in your lunch hour. Sometimes it’s getting up at 5am and saying “okay, I’m going to write a thousand words before breakfast.” (I do this! It works for me. Not every day, though.) And, too, it depends on my concentration. Usually when I’m writing a first draft, I set a 2,000 word minimum goal for the day, six days a week. Some days I get that done in an hour and half — and then I might stop, or I might keep going and reach 6,000 words or more for the day. Other days it might be 7pm before I hit the 2,000th word. 
Writing is an art, not a science.

5. What’s your favorite under-appreciated novel?

I don’t know about under-appreciated, but the last novel I read that I absolutely fell in love with was George Orwell’s 1984. I know it’s a classic, but somehow I’d never read it before this year. Breathtaking.

6. If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

Chill out. Keep writing. Keep reading. And don’t feel bad about not finishing that book. Life’s too short to finish bad books.

7. If you didn’t write, what would you do for work?

I have a part-time day job. Two of them, actually. I think without that routine, I’d be at a bit of a loose end.

8. Maori words almost took me by surprise. What is the reason behind Maori words and why did you think adding them would make this book look good in a whole new level?

Te Reo Maori is one of the official languages of New Zealand. Using Maori words and names and a few customs wasn’t a conscious decision, I don’t think. It’s a natural part of being a New Zealander, so of course I’m going to use it in a book set in New Zealand, with New Zealand characters. Leaving it out of the book would have been a huge disservice to the people who were here long before my own Irish and Australian ancestors.

9. Maunga is a very interesting character. She is tad bit evil but has some soft spot. What do you think about this character?

I always wanted to write a Hufflepuff antagonist. 
And if you like her, you’re going to love the sequel…

A. Coffee or Tea?


B. Kindle or Paperback?
D. Sitting alone enjoying the sunset or going out with friends?

Enjoying the sunset with friends. While drinking coffee.

E.Classic fiction or Modern fiction

I read more modern than classic, but I enjoy both.

11. What is your all time favorite book?( I know it is very hard to pick one, so you can choose 2-3 books)

Fiction? The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien.

Non-fiction? It’s a tie between Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis and Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton.
12. Are you a book worm? Do you read often?

I think all writers are bookworms. It’s hard to write well if you don’t read. 
I’ve been getting back into leisure reading the last few years. Aiming to read 50 books this year — I’m on track so far!

I loved every bit of this interview and I am very glad to have it in my blog. Thank you E G Wilson for doing this.

If you also like the book, don’t miss out the book review on my blog. Click here to go to the review page directly.

Happy Reading
Sritha Bandla

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